Confused by unsolicited offers? Unsure if the offers for your Spa are fair?

We provide seller representation and guidance for successful aesthetics practice owners seeking top-tier partnerships or exits. Confidential, no-strings-attached consultations. Top-of-market, life-changing transactions for our clients.

Understand Your Options Before Making a Life-Changing Decision

As a successful medspa owner, you've probably noticed the uptick in buyer calls and emails. Maybe you've seen respected colleagues in your market partner with larger groups. While there are compelling options available today for Spa owners like yourself, sorting through different buyer types and deal structures can be overwhelming - and finding the right partner is so important for your long-term happiness.

Why Work With an M&A Advisor?

Negotiating Unsolicited Offers

We help you understand market value and create negotiating leverage by bringing multiple qualified buyers to the table. We typically achieve 15-40% increases in price net of our fees.

Finding a Partner to Scale With

Finding the right capital and infrastructure partner can transform your growth trajectory and help you take some chips off the table. We help evaluate strategic partners with proven track records of supporting successful aesthetics practices.

Considering Your Exit Timeline

Whether you're planning a near-term exit or a gradual transition over several years, we'll help structure a deal that maximizes value while protecting your legacy. We typically

Our Unique Approach for MedSpa Owners

Practice Transitions Group specializes in representing premium aesthetic practices with revenues above $1.5M+. As experienced M&A professionals, we understand buyer motivations and tactics. This insight helps us position your practice effectively and negotiate the best possible terms.

We focus exclusively on representing sellers and are paid only when you successfully complete a transaction - we never take fees from buyers. This allows us to maintain complete objectivity in advocating for your interests.

Ready to Explore Your Options? Let's Talk.

Whether you've received an offer, are actively planning your transition, or just want to understand your practice's current market value, we're here to help.

Our initial conversations are:

  • 100% Confidential
  • No-pressure and no-obligation
  • Focused on understanding your goals first
  • Rich with current market insights
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