
Healthcare M&A Trends – a Reflection + a Forecast


How Long Will It Take to Sell Your Practice?

One of the top questions health care brokers hear is, "How long will it take for me to sell?"

What Happens to My Staff?

No, do not tell your staff, "I want to sell my practice."

Sell to DSO or MSO: How to Determine Value, Equity, and Liquidity

Setting expectations for long-term and short-term gains when selling your practice.

My Health Isn’t Great and I Need to Sell Quickly. Is It Worth Hiring a Professional Practice Transitions Broker

My Health Isn’t Great and I Need to Sell Quickly. Is It Worth Hiring a Professional Practice Transitions Broker

3 Steps to Drive Outstanding Market Value (Doc to Doc + DSO)

If you want to sell your dental practice for a top offer, you need to keep in mind various principles depending on whether you are making a doctor-to-doctor sale or selling to a Dental Service Organization (DSO).

Do you need a local broker?

As a broker to sell medical practices, our first job is to answer questions that the potential buyer will ask.

Why do brokers ask for so much detail?


The Truth Behind Taking on Corporate Partners

Selling a dental practice or selling a medical practice is choosing a path forward that will unavoidably reshape your organization.

Dental and Medical Practice Sale Structures 101

You’ve heard you can make a lot of money in Private Equity (PE) sale. You’re starting to look around on the internet, you’ve talked to a few colleagues who have sold.